The French Glial Cell Club is happy to organize a new meeting focused on glial cells on May 13, 2025 in Montpellier, just before the NeuroFrance meeting.
This event is organized by the Young Researchers and for them, but of course all Researchers and PIs are welcome and expected to engage in fruitful interactions with students !
So if you are a Phd Student, a Post Doc or an Engineer/Technician we offer you the opportunity to present your work on glial cells ! You can apply for a talk, a poster presentation, and/or chair a session.
The program offers a complete coverage of the field of glia research, through 1 plenary lecture, 3 symposia, 2 poster sessions and 1 mentoring session with senior researchers (see program). Lunch and coffee breaks will be provided during the meeting, and at the end of the day a social event will be organized.
Abstract submissions for oral and poster presentation will close on March 28, 2025.
Venue: Institut Agro, 2 Place Pierre Viala, Campus La Gaillarde, 34000 Montpellier
Registration fees: registration fees include access to the conference and a lunch. For the Licence and Master Students lunch will not be provided.
This event is organized by the French Glial Cell Club and sponsored by QuantaCell.
Members of french academic labs - Important information for payment if your registration is paid by the lab
After payment, you will received a confirmation email that give you the opportunity to modify the invoice so that it fits with financial management requirements.
To do this: (1) Clic on "facture" button, (2) Choose "Facture au nom d'une société" then (3) in the "Société" item, please indicate the exact affiliation of your lab (ex: IGF CNRS UMR5203- INSERMU1191)
Oral presentation
All the talks will be given by Young Reaserchers throughout 3 symposia :
- Symposium I : Shaping Glial Research: Models and Methods
- Symposium II : Crossing Borders: Glial Roles at the Brain's Frontier
- Symposium III : Glial Architects: From Development to Disease
Abstracts need to be submitted at the time of registration, and you have to specify for which symposia you want to give a talk (see program). [format 1 page max, 11pts Time New Roman, with short title, authors and affiliation, no figure, acknowledgment or reference]
Three abstracts will be selected for an oral presentation in a related symposium.
Poster Session
Two interactive poster sessions will take place in dedicated a room during 45min.
If you want to present a poster abstract submission is needed (same instructions as for the oral presentation).
The poster format will be specified later.
Payment information
Payments can be done online using CB, Visa or Master Cards, however, please note that 3D secure cards are required. The invoice can be printed from the confirmation email by clicking on "obtenir une facture", and following the instructions.